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Selction Eligibility

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 11:25 pm
by seanb58
In response to Josh Papaali's decision to choose Australia and QLD over New Zealand I have decided to bring up a topic on how best to improve the selection process and eligibility.

The first one would be to not let QLD choose anything because it's a well known fact they roart the system more than the Storm roarted the salary cap. But unfortunately that would only anger the canetoads more (let's not give them anymore ammunition. 7 series in a row...).

The idea that a person would have had to live 50% of their lives in a country is probably the smartest and more honest ideas going around and thankfully is being seriously considered by the powers that be. James Tamou would be around that mark so he would be fine if that law was changed before his debut. Ben Te'o would be struggling though, as would have Karmichael Hunt and a host of former Maroons. Rangi Chase, Brent Webb and Nathan Fien would also find 0 Test Caps next to their names.

There is a loophole that can be used to get around this. If you have a passport for that country you should be immediately exempt. I would have no problem with this. If the government considers you a citizen of the country you should be eligible to represent them in your chosen sport.

State Of Origin should stop being watered down with people who don't understand the true concept. Yes it's the best spectacle Rugby League has to offer and people would love to play in the game. But the reason the game is so intense is the passion the players have when they run out onto the field in teh sky blue or maroon. They have grown up hating the opposition for 3 games a year and are fiercly proud of their state. No matter how many games you watch or cheer if you aren't from these two League loving states you can never have the passion that has built Origin football.

So hopefully the 50% ruling goes to both state and national level. The only exemption being second tier nations in a World Cup year.

Re: Selction Eligibility

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2012 3:45 pm
by Striker
I don't think it should go to where you were born. I think it should go to where you played your junior league. If you didn't play in either New South Wales or Queensland, you don't play State of Origin. If anyone wants to $hit bricks about that, too freaking bad.

Re: Selction Eligibility

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 11:17 pm
by seanb58
I like your point. There is a small problem though. I played footy in both NSW & QLD when I was young, as did my brother. If I was any good and actually made first grade would I choose which state to represent or would it be where I was born? What if I was born on the Gold Coast but moved to Sydney when I was 3? I think the 50% of your lifetime idea has merit

Re: Selction Eligibility

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 8:03 pm
by MarkZZZ
In the strictest of sense it would have to be the state you where borne but maybe where you first started playing the game would be a good way of deciding origin also

Re: Selction Eligibility

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2012 9:10 am
by seanb58
Unfortunately that wouldn't come to pass because a quarter of the QLD squad would be ineligable.

Re: Selction Eligibility

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2012 6:19 pm
by Striker
And that would be a good thing for New South Wales, right?

I'm with Mark. It should be where you first started playing.

Re: Selction Eligibility

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2012 8:18 pm
by Raiderdave
Striker wrote:
And that would be a good thing for New South Wales, right?

I'm with Mark. It should be where you first started playing.
so you start in the under 6's ... somewhere in either state
& move to the other the following year & live there til you're 20
you have to play for the state you first started playing in when you were 6 8-[

that won't work

the rule supposed to be where you first started playing club football when you were 16 ... which is the usual age for your first year of seniors
thats still the best rule
its when QLD started ignoring this .. & the ARL let them .that we now have this merky situation

if a 15 year old Israel Falou .. or Greg Inglis is playing football at Minto or Kempsey
& they move to Melbourne before they turn 16
then they have never played club football in QLD ... so are certainly not eligible for the maroons

it should never have been allowed

I think where NZ'ers are concerned
they must be Australian permanent residents first with an intention to become a full citizen ... then indicate their intention to play for one state or the other , hand over their Kiwi jumper of course .. as they will NEVER play for them again if they have already .. or ever if they haven't already
sit out 2 years before they can actually play SOO

it will make them think twice about it
& if they are serious .. then they'll have no issue sitting out for 2 years ...

Re: Selction Eligibility

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2012 9:31 am
by Striker
No, New Zealanders should never play State of Origin. Never. They played in New Zealand, which means they are not eligible for either New South Wales or Queensland. They play for NZ against the Kangaroos, even if they live here. I agree with you about Folau and Inglis. They should have played for New South Wales and not Queensland. Not that "Israel the lovely person" deserves any freaking favours!!

First year of seniors though? No. The junior experience has to be where the buck stops because that's where they learned the game to begin with. That's the true meaning of the word "Origin".