Any Sympathy For Farmers?

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Any Sympathy For Farmers?

Post by crocodileman »

At the risk of getting shouted down by most if not all members - here goes!

I had a bit of a chuckle tonight on the news when I observed the locust plague that has hit Wagga at the moment (and heading South!). They are eating everything that lays in front of them, including, I presume, farmer's crops.

Now Crocman has no real love of farmers for several personal reasons. However I have one message to those locusts.

Eat fellas, eat, drink and be merry! :P
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Post by Beaussie »

I can just see it now, the 'Farmhand' appeal swings back into action all over again. :roll:

If only the principals would put in a bit out of their own pockets:

The Farmhand Foundation Principals are: Foxtel Chairman, Mr Sam Chisholm; News Limited CEO, Mr John Hartigan; Mr Alan Jones, Broadcaster; Telstra Chairman, Mr Bob Mansfield (Chairman); CPH Chairman, Mr Kerry Packer; Visy Industries Chairman, Mr Richard Pratt and STW Group Director, Mr John Singleton.
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Post by crocodileman »

Yes Beaussie, those leeches clearly have their own agendas for being involved.

It actually brings me back to when I was an ideological twenty year old and I was asked to join the Lions Club when I was living in Brisbane. I wasn't sure but the organisation had organised a "fodder drive" to go out to a town in the Western Darling Downs to deliver fodder for starving cattle - very noble I thought.

There was a convoy of trucks we had organised, all loaded with this stuff and we were delivering it to farms that were aware of our pending arrival.

Well, the first farm we went to, I was greated by the sight of 3 near new Range Rovers in the driveway - each valued at conservatively $65 000 and I thought to myself - Why am I helping these pricks when clearly there are people in cities more in need of assistance. I might add that at that point in my life I had never owned a car and was a student working to pay my way through Uni and here I was, giving up my weekend to help people who already had the finances to help themselves.
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Post by lescygnes »

why am i thinking of salination here???? not something that the indigenous people of australia ever had to deal with......hmmmmm
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Post by crocodileman »

lescygnes wrote:
why am i thinking of salination here???? not something that the indigenous people of australia ever had to deal with......hmmmmm
Exactly John - take a drive along the Murray River, particularly near the Riverland in South Australia when you come home and you'll see the most shocking salination of the land - farmers will keep squealing for more water until there is no River left and no cultivatable land and then it will dawn on them that they may need to find a new job!!!
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Post by lescygnes »

same things happening here in the states. particularly with california.

theyve pinched all the water from the colorado river, and other basins in the south west. now the bastards want to tap into the columbia river (which separates washington from oregon in the most part). so the north westerners are giving the big finger to the californians (and arnie).

but when i was told this i said that the canucks can usurp the whole process and the columbia originates in BC....!!!!!

i remember watching slammin' sam kekovich one night and his quote is:

"there are only three things certain in life. death, taxes and farmers whinging".

says it all.
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Post by JF_Bay22_SCG »

Gee, I reckon you lot are all a tad harsh here fellas. We think we have had a bad day's work when we get a couple of bad calls etc. When it doesn't rain, thse guys lose their whole reason for existance. There is no chance to go and change jobs if you are a farmer, you are stuck with an incredible amount of hard yakka and are pretty much at mercy to not only the weather gods but the policies of the governments in power at the time.

Cockies have a merkin of a job. Without em we'd not have beef for dinner, milk for our cereal, or the corn for our corn flakes or wheat for our Weet Bix.

I'm stunned that you guys are bagging farmers like this. Pull your heads in!


PS:- En route to Adelaide for the Port-Swans match, we drove through a whole swarm of the little bastards on the Hay Plain. Got squished all over the windscreen and everything.
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Post by crocodileman »

JF_Bay22_SCG wrote:
Gee, I reckon you lot are all a tad harsh here fellas. We think we have had a bad day's work when we get a couple of bad calls etc. When it doesn't rain, thse guys lose their whole reason for existance. There is no chance to go and change jobs if you are a farmer, you are stuck with an incredible amount of hard yakka and are pretty much at mercy to not only the weather gods but the policies of the governments in power at the time.

Cockies have a merkin of a job. Without em we'd not have beef for dinner, milk for our cereal, or the corn for our corn flakes or wheat for our Weet Bix.

I'm stunned that you guys are bagging farmers like this. Pull your heads in!

Bollocks, JF.

No one has them chained to the land - in most cases they are on the land because they are unemployable elsewhere.

Don't you just love it when the drought finally breaks with rain and farmers come out with one of these 3 standard responses:-

(a) "We still need more rain otherwise it won't be worth planting a crop."

(b) "The flooding has destroyed our crops."

(c) "We've had a little rain but the drought hasn't broken. The Government needs to continue our drought relef subsidies indefinately until we get back on our feet."

I say we round these merkins up, ship them out to Pitcairn Island where they can breed with the other degenerates over there!

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Post by lescygnes »

sorry JF, but youve been sucked into the farmers propaganda here.

the facts of the matter are that even in drought conditions, its only the really bad farmers that struggle. the good ones always ride it out.

the good farmers diversify their production. they dont have to deal with salination as they are treating their land with respect. the good farmers dont spend all of their earnings in one hit buying up land rovers.

youre an intelligent man JF, do some reading into the subject and enlighten yourself!!!!

BTW, even in the driest conditions there always seems to be wheat for the bix, milk and sugar to go with it and some beef for your jerky!!!! where does it come from. not always outside australia. it still comes from our own country. the good farmers produce it.

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Post by lescygnes »

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